Which mlp foul are you?

Blah blah blah this is just a quiz to find out which mlp foul you are blah blah blah the website wants me to write this so all I can say is have fun loads

Of em’ you don’t have to read this please go on to the quiz hbeiugsskshsskdkemwoiwnshiushnsheunruirhnriuhdshouhsnsouhnduhnewihmqwoishndiuhdnurhnfuynduhwnwoiu

Created by: Cadey
  1. out Of all of these, which one of these would you have for your cutie mark? (Note: please look at the other choices below this question before you decide)
  2. Out of all of these, which one of these would you have for your cutie Mark?
  3. Next, do you prefer being an earth pony, unicorn, or Pegasus?
  4. Next, do you prefer being an earth pony, unicorn, or Pegasus?
  5. What is your opinion on the mlp song, “best friends until the end of Time?”
  6. What is your opinion on the mlp song, “best friends until the end of Time?”
  7. What is your opinion on the mlp song, “flawless (we’re not perfect?”)
  8. What is your opinion on the mlp song, “flawless (we’e not perfect?)”
  9. Would you rather: be a filly or a colt?
  10. You are going to a fancy party. What do you wear?

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Quiz topic: Which mlp foul am I?
