Which member of Oreo Dream are you?

This quiz is about Oreo Dream. That is my band. I am 5, but have a band, go on dates, have a website, and a lot of stuff most kids that are 5 don't have. You know about the band, this quiz is to see which member of it you are.

The options for your result are: Zayn, Brendan, Rylee, Logan, and Aiden. All the pictures are of me. Please take this quiz. It would make my day.

Created by: enter_name_here
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. if you were in a band would you like having girls want to marry you and stuff
  3. do you like animals
  4. do you like ice cubes
  5. would you go on dates with somebody much older than you if you were 5
  6. did you like this quiz
  7. would you join Oreo Dream if you were 5
  8. are you 5
  9. will you take my quizzes
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Which member of Oreo Dream am I?