Which MBTI Type Are You (Best MBTI Test Ever)

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The best MBTI test you'll ever see! Just answer the questions and find what type you are! Oh and please answer the questions seriously! This is so important!!!

If you are a sensor I'm sorry... You'll get what I mean. Tho it doesn't really matter since this test made by me! You'll see dude I wrote the great questions!

Created by: INTP The Sandwich
  1. Do you love people or prefer being alone?
  2. What type of human are you?
  3. What type of person are you?
  4. How do you solve your problems?
  5. Which one do you prefer?
  6. How are you doing these days?
  7. What do you do in your free time?
  8. Would you call yourself as lazy?
  9. Why did I create this test?
  10. Actually I was just going to end this test by 4 questions but this site has rules... bleh. So I have to ask one more. Btw this question is important! Read carefully! What do you think about the letter 's'?

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Quiz topic: Which MBTI Type am I (Best MBTI Test Ever)
