Which Mandela Catalogue character you are?

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Hello, And i am [REDACTED]. Today, I will be your helper. Lets see which Mandela Catalogue character you are, Shall we? At the following text, We will talk about the questions.

The questions may be personal. but dont worry! I will only oof you if you lie! or not. haha... NO JOKES... XD... Please answer the questions honestly.Mandela Catalogue by Alex Kister. Quiz by me. thx.

Created by: ALTERNATivE_Gameplay
  1. How much do you care of your friends?
  2. If you had to kill someone, What would you most likely prefer?
  3. Do you believe in god?
  4. What would you do if you encountered a alternate?
  5. IMAGINE: An alternate is at the door. And telling you to open it. What would you do?
  6. Do you know what this thing is?
  7. If an friend calls you so late in the night, What would you do?
  8. Did you ever watch Mandela Catalogue
  9. Do you believe in any religion?
  10. Do you know what to do in a Alternate attack scenerio?
  11. IMAGINE: You left your friend behind when a alternate attacked. Would think of it again?
  12. Finale Question Who are you? Are we living in a similation... HELP ME!
  13. The end.

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