Which Mamonian goddess are you?

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The quiz does not include every Mamonian goddess as an result, there are way too many to choose from, but it does include my favourite four. This quiz is made by a real Mamonian.

I hope you enjoy this quiz, and that it helps you reflect on who you are as a person. I hope you find meaning from it, and that you find inspiration. Welcome.

Created by: Dreyri Aldranaris
  1. Choose a time of year.
  2. Choose a time of day.
  3. Choose a type of weather.
  4. Choose a promise.
  5. Why are you crying?
  6. Why are you fighting?
  7. Why are you laughing?
  8. Why are you dreaming?
  9. What do you doubt yourself for?
  10. What’s building up inside you?
  11. Pick a plant.
  12. Pick a way to die.
  13. Whose arms would you run into?
  14. Pick a moment.
  15. Pick a line in the following poem: Hi/ Little girl/ Raven black hair/ Whirlwind dark eyes/ What's your name darling?/ What's behind those darkened eyes?/ Loam and rain and riverwater and autumn leaves/ You're in pain/ Turn it to power/ You are a prophetess/ You're a warrior and a queen/ In the sting of night and the burn of day/ Forge your weapons in the fires of rage and change/ The day will come when we pull ourselves out of the pit by our fingernails/ Make them finally/ finally, finally/ see
  16. Which do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Mamonian goddess am I?
