What Goddess are you?

I have worked hared on this quiz and in it I have put my heart and soul. Goddesses are magical and are all around us so it is a cool thought to think, what would we be a goddess of if we were a goddess?!

I hope you enjoy the mysterious, magical and wonderful journey of the first step to becoming a real life goddess 😉 with all it's exquisite perks!🤩😛 Hope you enjoy my quiz!

Created by: Juno
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. Do you like night or day better?
  3. In a thunder storm what would you do?
  4. What's your least favorite season?
  5. What's your favorite sound out of these?
  6. What would you rather?
  7. What's your favorite of these animals?
  8. Which would you rather?
  9. In a rainstorm where would someone find you?
  10. If ceilings didn't exist and once every 24 hours you would look up at the sky, when would you do it?

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Quiz topic: What Goddess am I?
