What Greek god or goddess are you!

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Have you ever thought to yourself "I was a go/goddess, who would I be?". Didn't think so either. But anyways you're here now! you might as well take this quiz and see for yourself...but BE WARNED........THERE IS PIZZA INVOLVED!!!!Feel free to laugh at the stuff I put in here. But no matter how silly it seems, ever question has a purpose.

On that note, have fun and eat pizza. And, by the way, I would be Dionysus if I was a god. Just cuz I like to PARTAY. WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO now go have fun and make momma proud.

Created by: Josephine
  1. On a scale from one to Pizza how often do you break into song
  2. Has anyone (other than your parents -_-) called you pretty/handsome/cute/beautiful
  3. Do you do well in *gag*M-math?
  4. Do you do well in positions of power?
  5. Do you have a dark side
  6. How do you feel about kids
  7. Do you like water?
  8. Have you ever been able to keep a plant alive longer that 3 months?
  9. Do you do sports by any chance
  10. Do you get Jealous easily?
  11. Are you lucky in love.
  12. Brains or Beauty
  13. quick math:2+7+19-28+94= x47 what is x?
  14. Have you ever cheated on someone
  15. Do you relax often
  16. How do you feel about global warming?
  17. Do you get really angry?
  18. Do you like Cereal
  19. How do you feel about travel?
  20. How much did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: What Greek god or goddess am I!
