Which Malory Towers character are you

Want to know which character you are from Malory Towers simply take this quiz to find out who do you think you will get Darrell Alicia Gwendoline well your answer is here

Are you Darrell Gwendoline Mary Lacey Alicia John Sally Hope,Bill or Clarissa, maybe your the funny/frightened Mary-Lou I can tell you , you jut need to answer these questions

Created by: Carla
  1. What is your style
  2. If there wasn’t a train how would you get to school
  3. The class is doing a production of Cinderella what would you like to do
  4. Describe the perfect room
  5. (Sorry for asking the again but)What’s your style
  6. What do you look for in a friend
  7. There is a new girl at Malory Towers what do you do
  8. Final question: where would be your holiday of choice
  9. Someone has started a rumour about you how do you find out and what is your revenge
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Malory Towers character am I
