which male tdi chracter are u?

my fair castmates i am a noah obviasly so come take a quiz abot u me and freinds!

and you have the rights for this too!

Created by: noah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how would you spend the dodgebrawl challenge?
  2. how would you spend the talent show?
  3. what would you do if duncan stool your book,guitar,sandwhich or hat?
  4. how would you spend the 100,000 if you were a teenager?
  5. if you ate chef hachets food u would:
  6. what would you say to a bear in the woods?
  7. who do you like best?
  8. how would you play tdi?
  9. if you had one of these fears which would it be?
  10. what would you do if you could make an aliance with somone on the other team?

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