Which Magical Creature Are You?

There are many magical creatures out there. We know them because of mythology and fairy tales. Fairies, nymphs, mermaids, centaurs, dragons, unicorns, pegasus, and many more.

Which one of them you think would you be? No idea? Try this quiz to find out! Maybe you think you could be a dragon, and guess what? You will turn out to be a fairy, OR THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

Created by: 25037798
  1. Do you believe in magic?
  2. If you could have any of these powers, which would it be?
  3. Which element do you rather?
  4. If you could have any of these weapons, which of them would it be?
  5. Which are your favorite creatures?
  6. Which do you consider is your best quality?
  7. If you had any of these in you physical aspect which would it be?
  8. Which of these is your favorite to live in?
  9. Which of these is your favorite to live in?
  10. Which do you enjoy the most?

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Quiz topic: Which Magical Creature am I?