Which Lord of the Rings character are you?

Have you ever wondered what Lord of the Rings character you are paralleled with? Maybe Aragorn? Or how about Gandalf? Maybe Legolas? Find out by taking this quiz!

Do you know what Lord of the Rings character you are? Aragorn? Gimli? Legolas? Sam? Would you like to find out? Take this quiz! Find out which of the characters you are closest to.

Created by: thedrewster

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your preferred weapon?
  2. What is your preferred dwelling place?
  3. What is your response when called to complete a task?
  4. What is your preferred mode of transportation?
  5. What is your favorite meal out of the following?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Which is your strength?
  8. Your associates:
  9. Your income:
  10. Your response when chose to do something important:

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Quiz topic: Which Lord of the Rings character am I?