Which Lone Pine Pride member are you?

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Lions and tigers and bears! The Lone Pine Pride is populated by shape-shifters of all different types - from warriors to leaders to those who are invaluable behind the scenes.

Which Lone Pine Pride shifter are YOU? Roman, the alpha? Grace, the first female lieutenant? Lila, the pride princess? Or perhaps the always unpredictable tiger-shifter, Dominec? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Vivi Andrews of Vivi Andrews Books
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When it comes to social interactions, you are...
  2. You are a natural born...
  3. When it comes to travel...
  4. When faced with a problem, your primary weapon is...
  5. When it comes to the opposite sex, you've always been...
  6. Your favorite movie is...
  7. People would be most likely to describe you as...
  8. In a battle, you're...
  9. People come to you when they need...
  10. Given the choice you would always drink...
  11. When it comes to relationships you are...
  12. You dream of...

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Quiz topic: Which Lone Pine Pride member am I?