Which live action Smurfs character are you?

Do you wonder which character from the live action Smurfs films you are the most like? Well please try the quiz anyways. Do not take it if you are Gargamel.

Smurfs Smurfs smurcsSnurfs gvvvvvfsdhgbbvgbbhhjjkkmhnnjvgchjjhgggggggggggffffgggggggghhhhjjjjjjjjjjhhhgggggvvbnnnjhhhhhhhhhjjhjhjjjkkkkmmmmmbbnnnnnnnnm

Created by: Darkwing Duck
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a human?
  2. Are you a smurf?
  3. If Clumsy got taken by Gargamel what would you do?
  4. Who is your dad?
  5. Are you a girl?
  6. Who do you like more?
  7. How weird are you?
  8. Are you bored?
  9. Are you dumb?
  10. Are you afraid of Gargamel?

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Quiz topic: Which live action Smurfs character am I?