Which Leader Are You?

There are many leaders in our school CSA. Leaders in our school are quite a exceptional. What is a leader? A leader is a person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.

Are YOU a leader? Do you have the brainpower and qualities for the prestigious title "leader?"Are you Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, or John Dickinson as a leader? For now you are going to be left. wondering but thanks to this quick quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: Emily Arroyo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you love going on adventures?
  2. Do you tend to be the leader in group projects
  3. Do you tend to inspire others around you to do their best?
  4. Do you have a outstanding personality but tend to blend in with the environment?
  5. Do you have long-range goals in life?
  6. Do you inspire others to join you in adventures in life?
  7. Do people around you tend to ask you for continual guidance, inspiration, and encouragement?
  8. Do you tend to be stubborn, intolerant, inpatient, and overbearing?
  9. Are you a person of thinking and planning?
  10. Do you believe in freedom?
  11. Do you like to have adventures?
  12. Do you tend to enjoy life even with all the down moments you experience?

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Quiz topic: Which Leader am I?