Which KREW member are You 2? (2022)

Welcome to the “Which KREW member are You?” Quiz! This quiz will help you find out which Krew member you are. Who knows, the character you get might just be your favourite one!

Also, this is my second quiz. I have another which Krew member are you quiz if you go to my homepage. This is a fan made quiz, so if the Krew sees it that would be amazing.

Created by: KrewQuizMaker
  1. Which of the following best describes you?
  2. What is your favourite thing about yourself?
  3. Would you ever skip classes?
  4. How annoying can your siblings get?
  5. What’s your favourite food?
  6. What is your hobby?
  7. What would you do if a friend invited you to a party it it turns out to be a prank?
  8. What is one thing you would bring with you during a fire?
  9. How many friends can you make in a year?
  10. If a situation gets too “out of hand”, what would you do?
  11. Lastly, who is your fav Krew member?

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Quiz topic: Which KREW member am I 2? (2022)
