Which Jewel Frog you hate?

This quiz is you will find out which Jewel Frog you like. Is it a good student or a mean bully, or a king of crime? Will it be Kind Monika, Mean Blacky or Evil Edward?

Hope you enjoy this quiz. I spend a lot of time typing it and it is very fun. Please don’t tell me you hate it....I will be so sad! And sorry if it is a bit hard to understand- I am a first time quiz typer!

Created by: Jellyfish Jewel
  1. RosemaryRebecca and you have just walked past you. You stepped her shoe. What you do?
  2. If you meet your friend Natsuki on the road, and she tripped in the middle of the zebra crossing. What you do?
  3. If you have to miss either Rebecca’s party or hit the teacher, what will you do?
  4. If you have to either give up your friendship with Lora or kick Cruz down a cliff, what will you do?
  5. Kira is hurt, and what will you do?
  6. What will you do if Mary and Kara is drowning, who will you save
  7. Angel and Yna is crying. What will you do?
  8. What will you do if Blair has broke her leg?
  9. If your grandmother died, what will you do?
  10. If you could be one Jewel Frog character, who will you be?

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