Which jade winglet member are you?

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This quiz will determine which member of the jade winglet you are. (Winter, Moon, Qibli, Kinkajou or Turtle) THIS QUIZ IS ONLY FOR WINGS OF FIRE FANS!

This is my first time making a quiz so don't judge me or anything I got wrong in the quiz. I hope you enjoy the quiz and share it with your friends! It would be really nice. Thankyou for playing!

Created by: Emma
  1. Are you social?
  2. What's your favorite colour?
  3. Who would you take to the movies?
  4. What are you in your friend group?
  5. Do you like...
  6. How many bones have you broken.
  7. Which one of these dragon powers would you have?
  8. Which item/feature would you have?
  9. How would you respond to your friends greeting you?
  10. Do you like the Wings of Fire series?

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Quiz topic: Which jade winglet member am I?
