Which Jade Winglet Dragon Are You?

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This quiz will determine which Jade Winglet dragon you are with some simple questions. It includes ALL of the Jade Winglet students. Kinkajou, Moon, Qibli, et cetera.

WARNING! This may contain spoilers, and I would only do this quiz if you would have finished arc 1 of the series and have moved onto arc 2, if not, you might not get all of this.

Created by: Princess Firefly
  1. What is a trait your friends would describe you as? (If you can, text them right now and ask them!)
  2. What does your perfect vacation look like?
  3. If the following people were dangling off a cliff, who would you save?
  4. Whats your favorite tribe?
  5. Your favorite food?
  6. Who would you choose?
  7. Favorite dragonet of destiny?
  8. What would you do if someone was failing a class?
  9. Of course, who is your favorite Jade Winglet dragonet?
  10. What does your perfect weekend look like?

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Quiz topic: Which Jade Winglet Dragon am I?
