Who would be your best friend in the jade winglet

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Hi this is a quiz to see who in the jade winglet would be your bff! This is my first quiz so if it is bad soz man. The results you could get are; Kinkajou, Peril, Moonwatcher, Qibli, Winter and Turtle.

I hope you enjoy the quiz, but I do have to say that I spent about 1hr making it so if it isn't good then that's why. And also this is my first quiz as I said above. Enjoy!

Created by: Soulwing682
  1. Ok so....... ROLEPLAY TIME !! A nightwing attacks you what do you do?!
  2. So you walk to class but you bump into your friend. She asks you if you can help with her maths homework tonight.
  3. You are in history with webs and he is SO BORING what do you do?
  4. You have 1hr free time before class what do you do?
  5. Sunny asks you to come to her cave but you don't know why. What do you do?
  6. Sunny then explains that she would like you to show a new student around. What do you do?
  8. A female mudwing bumps into you in the hallway. She says her name is Terra. What do you say?
  9. Favourite dragonet of destiny?
  10. How was this quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Who would be my best friend in the jade winglet

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