Which Jackson 5 Member Are You?

ABC! Dancing Machine! A whir of the 60's and 70's ALOHA! Black music is stirring into popularity and the Jackson 5 is the center of attention! Woohooo!

Get the beat and the groove and dance all night! When you feel that beat Then we can ride a boogie! Learn! ABC! It's easy as 1.2.3! It's you and me! Welcome to the JACKSON 5

Created by: Miriam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are a nice big flirt and love LOVE but tend to desire others even when in a relationship and tend to be a cheater and prefer company of siblings and the other gender.
  2. You LOVE to shine and be the number one!
  3. You're a sports fanatic and love being jumpy and hyper. You love the smell o' sweat and work out often and love fast paced things!
  4. The loner. The dreamer. Praying to be the lead.
  5. The nerdy cute one? That's so cool! You just love working yet having fun at the same time! Yay!
  6. Ever wanted to just dance or sing or MOVE
  7. Adorable. Cute. Irresistible!
  8. Which Jackson 5 member are you wishing to be?
  9. Are you anxious to get on the road
  10. Are you a prankster?

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Quiz topic: Which Jackson 5 Member am I?