Which Hungry Dragon Character Are You?

Well hello there! Do you play the game Hungry Dragon? You most likely do if you are taking this quiz. Have you ever wondered if you were like any of the dragons as you burned a kingdom?

Well, find out now! Are you Sparks? Mad Snax? Blaze? All of their favorite foods are true, I got it from the website. If you are a girl and you get a boy, just pretend!

Created by: Oreo
  1. Fav Color out of these?
  2. Fav food out of these?
  3. What do,you like to spend your free time doing?
  4. How would your friends describe you?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. Which is your favorite?
  7. Do you like Hungry Shark?
  8. Do you like Hungry Dragon?
  9. Let fate decide.
  10. Did you like this quiz!

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Quiz topic: Which Hungry Dragon Character am I?
