Which horror movie should be your new fav

4 incredible horror movies I’m here to choose which one should be your go to horror movie to watch depending on your choice in movies and everything else horror based

Ranging from a incredible classics to a smartly written horror comedy to a torture movie with the right amount of blood and guts a horror movie needs to a modern supernatural movie that will scare u to death

Created by: Kyle11
  1. What decade of horror do you like the best
  2. Are you a fan of the horror genre
  3. What sub genre of horror do u like the most
  4. What’s your favourite horror cliche
  5. How many horror movies have u saw in your life
  6. What scares you the most
  7. Outside of horror what’s your next fav genre
  8. How do you feel about jumpscares
  9. How do u feel about low budget horror movies
  10. How many deaths should be in a horror movie

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Quiz topic: Which horror movie should be my new fav
