Which Hogwarts House Are YOU In?

Which Hogwarts house are YOU in??? All Potterheads should love this great quiz about which house you are in.

There are many sorting quizzes out there. But few are as good as this one. So give it a try. You might find out something you didn't know about yourself.

Created by: Ella DeVries
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking down the street, you see a person who your friends with. Someone is trying take their money... what do you do?
  2. You are on your front porch and you see Voldemort. What do you do?
  3. What do you plan to do when you get to Hogwarts?
  4. Dawn or Dusk?
  5. You just lost the House Cup. What do you do?
  6. How do people describe you?
  7. How do you describe yourself?
  8. What is your favorite type of animal?
  9. Are you a Whovain? (NOT RELATED TO QUIZ!!!)
  10. How did you like this quiz? (NOT RELATED TO QUIZ!!!)

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I In?