The Sorting Hat

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Welcome to the Hogwarts house quiz! Here you will find out what house you belong in. Will you be a brave Gryffindor? A smart Ravenclaw? A kind Hufflepuff? or a Sly Slytherin.

You will have to face a series of questions, getting more detailed as you come to the close of the quiz. Don't forget to share your result on social media!

Created by: MCLovers
  1. What would you like to be remembered as?
  2. What is your best quality?
  3. Ask someone what they think is your best quality. What did they say?
  4. Who is your wizard idol?
  5. Who is your witch idol?
  6. Who would be your best friend?
  7. You are in a duel. Someone shouts "Sectumsempra!" What do you do?
  8. Your friend cheats in both the O.W.L's and N.E.W.T's. The teacher has not detected the cheating. What do you do?
  9. You encounter Voldemort with your friend and Voldemort kills your friend. What do you do?
  10. As we all know, the sorting hat takes your feelings into consideration as well so.. What house do you want to be in?

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