which Hograwts House are you?

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This Quiz is for All you HARRY POTTER Number one.Fans and Geeks out there who love reading the books, and watching the films OVER and Over and Over again!

It is a Quiz that decide which HOGWARTS HOUSE suites you the BEST! Werther it may be ; Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Created by: ameera
  1. How would you describe your personality?
  2. What spell would you most like to learn?
  3. What Magical Creature fascinates you the MOST?
  4. What Magical Creature Fascinates you the LEAST?
  5. What type of Potion would you most likely be to drink?
  6. Pick One
  7. Pick a Number
  8. What Pet would you Like to company you to Hogwarts school?
  9. What Lesson do you thing you would enjoy most?
  10. What do you think you would become in the Magical World?

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Quiz topic: Which Hograwts House am I?