Which Harry Potter Female Character Are You?

Lmao I must write some words idk what words tho I wanna watch a movie please suggest moves and tv series other than Harry potter lol some more words and ill stop.

Its just for fun so don't take it personal if you are not satisfied with your results lmao I have to write some extra words now pleas excuse me for that.

Created by: lol
  1. If you were attacked by Lord Voldemort what would you do?
  2. If Harry Potter asked you to the Yule Ball, what would you say?
  3. What house are you in?
  4. What's your favorite character out of those?
  5. If you could choose one dead character to come back to life who would it be?
  6. If you were in Hogwarts who would u want your roommates to be?
  7. Would you be a death eater?
  8. Have you watched all the movies?
  9. If you were forced to kill Harry would you do it?
  10. If you had to choose, which one would you choose?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Female Character am I?
