Which Harry Potter Character are you most like?

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Which Main Harry Potter Character are you most like? Find out with this incredibly accurate and fun quiz. Just a few clicks and you will soon know when one you are!

Are you Harry Potter, the brave, talented and incredibly loyal one. Or are you Hermione, the clever and kind one or Ron Weasley, the funny and easy-going one.

Created by: Ilovedogs17
  1. Who’s your favourite?
  2. Pick a pet.
  3. Pick a colour.
  4. What is your favourite muggle lesson?
  5. What are you like at parties?
  6. Pick a day.
  7. Pick a magic lesson.
  8. How would your friends describe you?
  9. Pick a food.
  10. Pick a metallic colour.

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter Character am I most like?
