Which Harry Potter boy are you?

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Some people are the same people. Like you might be the same as Harry, Draco and Ron. You never know the secrects of the world of the brilliant Harry Potter.

Are you like those boys? Do you want to see who you really are. Until now you could only wonder but thanks to this brilliant quiz in a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: K.P.G.Jennings
  1. What describes you?
  2. What would you like to be in qudditch or in Hogwarts?
  3. Which girl do you like?
  4. Which house would you be in?
  5. What would you common room paswword be?
  6. What animal don't you like?
  7. What does your wand have in it?
  8. Whats your last name?
  9. What does your dad do?
  10. What coulor would your robes be?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter boy am I?