Which Hannah Montana Character Are You?

There are many people who wish they could be miley cyrus or emily osment or some famous person. But the thing is we can't all be them. But we can pretend to by taking this quiz! Hope you will enjoy my quiz.

Are you Miley Lilly oliver Jackson robbie-ray or rico take this quiz to find out who you are and if you don't get the character you want please come back and try again. Have a great day?

Created by: Jade of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  3. Happy birthday, so what's it gonna be cake or ice-cream?
  4. What are the most important never-leave-home-without-'em, items in your book bag?
  5. The coolest kid in the school invited you to a party but told you not to bring your best friend. Would you go?
  6. Quick! Pick one!
  7. Smiley face or frowny face which emoticon is totally like you?
  8. Yikes! You're running out of room for your collection of what?
  9. What's up with you and you're crush?
  10. Lights. Camera. Action! What kind of star are you gonna be?
  11. Free time! How do you spend a Saturday afternoon?
  12. Time for the big school musical what's your job?
  13. Who do you think you mostly dress like?
  14. Which is your fav dog out of these?
  15. Which is your fav car out of these?

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Quiz topic: Which Hannah Montana Character am I?