Which H20 Just Add Water mermaid are you!!?

Take the quiz to find out which H20 Just Add Water character you are! Based on the hit series! What is your true inner mermaid! I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Are you a h20 just add water mermaid????? Take the quiz and find out!! This quiz is free and takes no time at all!!!! In just a moment you will find out your inner mermaid!!

Created by: Belle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is your favorite element?
  2. Which is your favorite mermaid?
  3. What would you do with if your friend got in trouble and you had to make a lie to get her out of it
  4. What would you do on your average weekend
  5. Which H20 guy do you think is the cutest
  6. What would you rather wear
  7. Do you like Charlotte
  8. If you could have a mermaid tail what color would it be
  9. Which are you
  10. What mermaid do you want to be

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Quiz topic: Which H20 Just Add Water mermaid am I!!?