Which Gundam are you?

The Earth was in a . The world was at peace for far too long. All the countries were demanding power, and order. France was by and Iraq were at war, and America was losing power. At the start of all this turmoil, waste to most of the Earth's land. Australia was sunken, Asia's western side was burnt to a crisp, and most of Southern Africa was destroyed. But at this point, 10 Scientists, from the world, united and started on a project, called Operation Capsule. They chose 100 human beings, to be frozen, and planned to wake them up later. In 2509, they were finishing up their project, and not too soon. Because, during the year 2507, the , (United Earth to increase living space for humans, digging up landfills, and sending them on a giant rocket to the sun to let them burn up. This proved to settle minor land issues, but the long term affect was dire. For the and bacteria within the trash and compost, the Sun's growth, and within 2 years, it was ready to become a White Dwarf, and explode. Humans everywhere did not know this, because during 2403, the Earth had a protective fake Atmosphere, or better known as the dome installed. Heat and Sunlight could no longer pass through, because the Ozone Layer had been destroyed

Emotionless and dedicated to your mission, you will do anything to complete it. You are the trump card in your army, and a sign of rising hope. Everyone fears your skill both friend and foe.

Created by: gundam
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  10. regtehy

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Quiz topic: Which Gundam am I?