Are You Better Than Other People Quiz

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Human being: a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, power of articulate speech, and upright stance..... Ok, so everyone knows that Human are the smartest beings on the earth. But what about those humans who are EXCEPTIONAL compared to other humans? Those that are more courageous, fearless, intelligent, generous, compassionate, and just plain AMAZING?

Are YOU better than the average human being? Have you always wanted to know how YOU measure up compared to other people? Thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Momentary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see an old woman fall in the street ahead of you. Do you:
  2. You see a small child crying in a store. he is alone and possible lost. You...
  3. You see a person drop a letter/paper as they are walking in front of you. They don't notice. Do you...
  4. Your BFF calls you at 3am and needs comforting. Do you...
  5. You see a stray dog sniffing around your garbage. Do you...
  6. Your old mum has the flu and rings you up asking for some errands to be done. Do you...
  7. An alarm rings at your neighbour's house at 1 am. Do you...
  8. You receive someone elses mail, a block away from their address. Do you...
  9. Your significant other has put on weight. Do you...
  10. The person opposite you on the bus sneezes. Do you...
  11. You receive a FB friend request from someone you don't know. Do you...

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Quiz topic: Am I Better Than Other People Quiz