Which grade of Mathematics are YOU?

- What is this quiz? - This small quiz is used to determine an approximation of your knowledge and abilities in the world of mathematics based from questions ranging from Grade One to Grade Twelve.

- Can you use a calculator in this quiz? - Short answer Yes. Long answer No. You may use a calculator ONLY when it is from Grade Seven and beyond for a more accurate result. It is also optional to not use a calculator.

Created by: Mathematics
  1. Grade One: 2 + 6
  2. Grade One: 9 - 3
  3. Grade One: 7 + 7
  4. Grade Two: 10 + 2
  5. Grade Two: 5 ? 3 = 8. ? = ___
  6. Grade Two: 6 x 2
  7. Grade Three: 12 x 5
  8. Grade Three: 23 x 8
  9. Grade Three: 2 + 5 x 2 í· 2
  10. Grade Four: 8.2 + 9.1
  11. Grade Four: (5/6) + (12/18)
  12. Grade Four: $5.29 = ___ cents
  13. Grade Five: 2/3 x 4/5
  14. Grade Five: (60 í· 2) x 5
  15. Grade Five: 5 x (? + 4) = 35. ? = ___
  16. Grade Six: -7.23 x 2
  17. Grade Six: A square has the length of 6 cm. What is the perimeter (P) and the area (A) of this square?
  18. Grade Six: A trapezoid with lengths a = 4 units (ut), b = 10 ut and h = 4 ut. What is the area of this trapezoid?
  19. Grade Seven: Find the value of 'x' when (x^2 - 8) = 17
  20. Grade Seven: Evaluate the cube root of 27.
  21. Grade Seven: 6k + 2k - 14 = 3. k = ___; as a simplified fractional value.
  22. Grade Eight: A circle has a circumference of 10Ï€ (31.4159265) mi. Calculate the radius (r) of this circle.
  23. Grade Eight: The points (0,2),(1,5) and (2,8) are made from a specific formula. Find this formula.
  24. Grade Eight: Find the probability of rolling a 2 and a 6 after rolling a 10 sided die twice.
  25. Grade Nine: Expand and simplify the expression (x^2 - 8)(9x + x^3)
  26. Grade Nine: Calculate the adjacent side when the opposite side equals 144 and the hypotenuse equals 145.
  27. Grade Nine: Evaluate sin θ when O = 7, A = 19, H = 12.
  28. Grade Ten: Consider a loan at 6% p.a. What is the interest rate for: a) quarter period, b) monthly period?
  29. Grade Ten: tan(-400)° = tan(___)°
  30. Grade Ten: Solve for 'x' and 'y' when 15xy + 35x - 6y - 14 = 0. HINT: Use factorisation!
  31. Grade Eleven: What following sequence is shown below. What are the next three numbers? 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55...
  32. Grade Eleven: Calculate the vector 2(a + b) when vector a = (3,15) and b = (7,4)
  33. Grade Eleven: What is the magnitude of the vector z = (5,12)
  34. Grade Twelve: Evaluate the gradient (derivative) of 2x^3 - 7x^2 + 8.
  35. Grade Twelve: Evaluate In(exp(6p)).
  36. Grade Twelve: dy/dx(e^3x) = ___
  37. BONUS: Which of these is a Pythagoras' Theorem Triple?

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Quiz topic: Which grade of Mathematics am I?