Which Good Day Anchor Are You?

If you're a frequent viewer of Good Day Chicago, you probably have a pretty good idea what Jan, Mike, Sondra, Patrick, Nancy and Tammie are like. But now we're giving you the chance to take a little quiz, and see who you are most like!

Just pick the answer to each question that is most similar to what you would agree with. Each of the answers matches up with one Good Day anchors answer. At the end of the quiz, you'll find out who you match up with best!

Created by: Fox Chicago

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is...
  2. My favorite part of the day is...
  3. This is how many hours of sleep I get on a typical night:
  4. My favorite kind of food is...
  5. When I go to the movies, I like this kind of film:
  6. My favorite vacation spot in the world is...
  7. My favorite kind of car is:
  8. My favorite kind of music is:
  9. If I had to be an animal, I would be...
  10. My favorite sports team is...

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Quiz topic: Which Good Day Anchor am I?