which Gallagher girl are you?

which Gallagher girl are you? there are so many!! Are you Cammie the chameleon, Rebeca the girl that can sweet talk anyone, Macey the girl who as so many different covers, and Elizabeth the super genius!!

do you think that you have what it takes to be a Gallagher girl?? It takes a lot of courage, skill, bravery, and smarts!! while now, you can take this quiz a find out which Gallagher girl you are!!!

Created by: s.s
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favourite subject????
  2. what do you do in your past time????
  3. what does your parents do???
  4. do you have any boys in your life???
  5. What's your favorite food???
  6. Favorite place in the world???
  7. a boy just kissed you how do you react???
  8. Your Aunt just kissed your teacher, you?????
  9. what is your type of guy??????
  10. what would you do better at???

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Quiz topic: Which Gallagher girl am I?