Which Footballer are you?

There are smart people in this world keep it up and you will be like them someday well done and thanks for the quiz naw if you really wanna become a good footballer start playing more and more and develop new moves

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? BUT THANKS FOR DA QUIZ AND HOPE U ALL BECOME A BETTER FOOTBALLER YOU SHOULD GET INTO TEAMS

Created by: rahul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What Position Do You play?
  2. Which Boots do u Wear
  3. What Do you Like to do the most?
  4. Whos Ur Fave Footballer?
  5. if you was 15 yards out to the box what would u do?
  6. How Often Do you Play Football?
  7. what are you?
  8. Which International Team Would u Play for?
  9. Whats your Favorite?
  10. if you would be the best player ever what for?

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Quiz topic: Which Footballer am I?