What footballer are you?

I am Spector, not my name. I like football. I just wanna get to max words. I don't know what to do. This is very awkward. Wonder what you get, yeah. MAX WORDS!!!

Choose something. You could be Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, Salah, Neuer, Ramos and Bale. Oh, I realised I am telling you what you could get. Oh no. I'm stumpFed. MAX WORDS!!!

Created by: Spector
  1. What does name begin with?
  2. What position did you always want to be?
  3. What is your favourite celebration?
  4. What is your dream club?
  5. Who do you wanna get?
  6. Favourite colour?
  7. Teammate?
  8. Gotta brother?
  9. Gotta sister?
  10. Ok, do you like me..

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Quiz topic: What footballer am I?
