Which famous jammer are you?

There are so many famous jammers.but who would you possibly be? so many people.wisteria or bepper? Find out your true coolness in this cool quiz! Enjoy!

ARE you ready to become famous? find out in this funny, funtastic, cool quiz you'll be sure to enjoy! So keep on going, step right up, to take the What jammer are you quiz!

Created by: Jourly
  1. Who do you watch most?
  2. Whats your favorite thing to do on AJ?
  3. You see Fman122. you cant block him, or report him. what do you do?
  4. Whats your dream name?
  5. Whos den are you trying to get into most?
  6. whos your idol?
  7. Coco cola, coke, cola, coke cola,or none of the above?
  8. How long have you played AJ for?
  9. Which ryan and macklemore song, Downtown, Thrift Shop, , cant hold us, or none?
  10. T. Swift, Lorde, Katy perry, Or selena?

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Quiz topic: Which famous jammer am I?