Which Famous Boxer Are You?

The greatest Boxing quiz ever. Find out which famous boxer you are. Great responses. Just let me know how it is? So take it and comment me!! Boxing is a great sport of this world today!

Are you Mayweather or Ali? Maybe Delahoya? This quiz will match you to one of the boxing greats. Just 10 simple questions!

Created by: ty
  1. What kind of Boxer do you think you are?
  2. Do you like to get hit?
  3. Will you fight any one?
  4. Do you taunt?
  5. What ethnicity are you?
  6. Are you in good shape?
  7. What do you rely on in a Boxing match?
  8. Do like boxing?
  9. Is boxing usually exciting?
  10. Out of these boxers which is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which Famous Boxer am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Boxing Quiz category.