Which emotion are you?

This is a quiz on which emotion you might be whether your fear or anger or even disgust, it doesn't matter. This quiz is just for pure fun!!!! Yay,take this test.

Which emotion are you? Do you already know? Well if you don't know take this test for crying out loud! It's ok you don't have to! But if you don't know which emotion you I think you should take it!

Created by: Hollie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often are you feeling blue?
  2. How often are feeling Happy?
  3. How often are you feeling angry?
  4. How often are you scared?
  5. Have you heard of Inside out?
  6. Have you watched Inside Out?
  7. Do you like it?
  8. Do you hate it?
  9. If you are bored go check out a game called Howrse and add me as the person who suggested Howrse to you: PurebredUnicorns99
  10. Btw: How often are you sarcastic?
  11. P.S. Which emotion do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: Which emotion am I?