Which Dynamis Mob is Which Job?

This quiz is intended to give Limitbreak members an idea of how knowledgeable they are about Dynamis monsters. It's not exhaustive and all-comprehensive, but it covers some important areas.

Take this quiz to find out how well you know Dynamis, so that Hundred Fists, Benediction, Charmga, Eagle Eye Shot, Mijin Gakure, Invincible or Perfect Dodge won't take you by surprise!

Created by: Etherion
  1. Vanguard Backstabber
  2. Vanguard Protector
  3. Vanguard Mesmerizer
  4. Vanguard Vigilante
  5. Which one of the following is NOT a Beastmaster?
  6. Vanguard Welldigger
  7. Vanguard Enchanter
  8. Which one of the following is NOT a Summoner?
  9. What's the name of the Goblin PLD?
  10. What's the name of the Yagudo BLM?
  11. Which one of the following is NOT a THF?
  12. Vanguard Neckchopper
  13. Which one of the following Beaucedine MNK NMs can charmga and must therefore not be meleed?
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a DRG?
  15. Vanguard Pitfighter
  16. Which of the following mobs may EES you in Dynamis-Jeuno?
  17. Which one of the following Beaucedine NMs is NOT a RNG?
  18. Vanguard Mason
  19. Which one of the following is the Orc WHM?
  20. Which job is the San d'Oria NM Reapertongue Gadgquok (trigger NM at the west gate)?

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