which dream smp character are you?

pick answers along the way, you will be given a role! hopefully you can share to friends that would make me happy!, this quiz is only made for fun. enjoy

i have tiktok which @arson.in.red sadly im making this on my school computer and it blocked tiktok and many things, thanks to this thing called zscaler.

Created by: nail
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. whats your obsession
  3. pick a song in my playlist
  4. whats your style?
  5. theres a voting for a new mayor. you need to be 18 and your already 18, will you vote?
  6. bloodvine?
  7. whos side
  8. favorite animal
  9. favorite book
  10. whats your biggest fear?
  11. theres a dog would you help it?

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Quiz topic: Which dream smp character am I?
