Which Dragon are You?

A dragon is a fantastic fantasy creature known from books, movies, and TV. Dragons are fierce, noble, strong, mysterious, secluded, free, independent, etc. etc. etc.

There are too many dragons to test you for ALL of them, but I have compiled a quiz to test you for the 5 main types that I could find. Do your best, and good luck!

Created by: SC
  1. What are your favorite colors?
  2. if someone you didn't know sat down next to you at your table, you would...
  3. What's your favorite food?
  4. If you lost a game, you would...
  5. Your favorite kind of weather is...
  6. If you were on a nature vacation, you would...
  7. If you could have one superpower, it would be...
  8. You would rather have a house that was...
  9. If you could be an animal, you would be...
  10. Your favorite kind of clothing is...
  11. You are asked to give a speech. You react by...
  12. The best thing about dragons are...

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon am I?