Which Doreamon Character are you?

This is a quiz where you can see which Doraemon character you are. I only added the main characters so there won't be many results and you might not get what you wanted.

Even so, I hope you enjoy the quiz and I hope you don take the results seriously. This quiz was just for fun so I don't hope you to take this seriously.

Created by: JumboMangos4life
  1. Tall, average, or short?
  2. Gender?
  3. Fat, average, or skinny?
  4. Favorite food?
  5. Mean, average, or nice?
  6. Do you like to watch Doraemon? (Does not effect answer)
  7. Were you really depressed once?
  8. Who do you think you'll get?
  9. How was the quiz? (Does not effect result)
  10. Okay bye (Does not effect result)

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Quiz topic: Which Doreamon Character am I?
