Which disney princess are you?(By your favorite color!)

Do you want to know which Disney Princess are you by the means of your favorite color?If yes Then take this quiz.It's a simple quiz with Yes or No options!

Do you like Red?Do you like Blue?Do you like Yellow?Do you like Pink?Do you like Purple?...Simply choose a answer from Yes and No!Now...Enjoy the quiz!!!

Created by: Gracious
  1. Do you like Blue color?
  2. Do you like the combination of Blue and Yellow?
  3. Do you like Blue+Green color?
  4. Do you like Yellow color?
  5. Do you like Dark blue+Light Blue?
  6. Do you like Red+Blue+Green?
  7. Do you like Off-White(Cream) Color?
  8. Do you like Dark Green color?
  9. Do you like Purple color?
  10. Do you like Pink color?

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Quiz topic: Which disney princess am I?(By my favorite color!)