Which dere are you? Another quiz for girls!

Hi, GifBip fans! This is a modified version of my other dere quiz. This will give you better results. Get ready for this awesome quiz! You'll be blown away!

Random special thanks to the other dere quizzes, Gravity Falls for existing, and ALF for existing and changing my life forevermore! Enjoy this awesome quiz!

Created by: GiffanyBipper
  1. Your crush is walking by!
  2. Your crush talks to another girl.
  3. He asks you out!
  4. You go to a movie at the mall! What kind?
  5. Now it's time to get food to eat. What do you want?
  6. Shopping spree! What do you buy?
  7. Which do you think you are (no effect)
  8. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)
  9. Would you recommend this quiz?
  10. Ready?

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Quiz topic: Which dere am I? Another quiz for girls!