Which Deltora Quest Character are you?

Hi bubs it's me this is quiz to see which Deltora Quest character is most like you. I am JASMINE which is not surprising I love animals and get along really well with them and I feel more at home in a Forest than anywhere, plus I'm agile, fast and smart.

So yeah I know Deltora Quest inside out I read it about 10 times a day or at the very least 5 and not exaggerating. So I hope you enjoy this and get who you want if you don't oh well cheese doesn't last forever anyway.

Created by: JasmineOfDeltora
  1. Which of these is the most suitable home for you?
  2. Which is your preferred weapon?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. Grey Guards are coming! Do you:
  6. Are you a follower or a leader?
  7. Are you good or evil?
  8. Who do you want to get? If anybody
  9. What do you think of my quiz be totally honest
  10. Which pet would you choose?

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Quiz topic: Which Deltora Quest Character am I?

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