which charlie and the chocolate character are you?

there are many books that roal doal made but, there is only one with a giant blueberry, a tube, a nut room and a TV thing that make things shrink!!!!!

What character are you in charlie and the chocolate factory? Please TAKE THIS QUIZ SO YOU CAN FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!! I TOOK IT AND I THINK YOU SHOULD TOO!!

Created by: Jennifer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you a goody goody?
  2. do you like chocolate?
  3. your a blueberry! what do you do?
  4. how are you going to win the grand prize?
  5. you are stuck in a tube of chocolate! how do you get out of the tube?
  6. you are as small as a squinkie! how do you grow back to normal size?
  7. are you snotty?
  8. your the worst person in the world!! (saying that to all the kids in factory exempt charlie)
  9. just kidding!!
  10. last question: do you like Mr. Wonka? (After you went through that stuff)

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Quiz topic: Which charlie and the chocolate character am I?