Which cat are you?

Do you like cats? Do you have a cat, or just love them? Do you wanna be an cat? If you said Yes to all of them, your in luck! This quiz will tell which cat are you!

Are you an active cat, or are you an sleepy cat? Are you an friendly cat, or an mean cat? Who knows? Well only YOU can find out by doing this quiz. So take this quiz , and know your cat!

Created by: Nicole
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Your favorite season ends tomarrow. Oh no!!! What will you do at the last day of your favorite season?!
  3. Someone asked you out for an date and you said "yes". Then, you forgot about the date and your friends asked you to hang out together, and you said yes to that too. What would you do?
  4. Are you bored?
  5. If you had to be a cat, what would your personality be?
  6. Do you like this quiz?
  7. How would you describe yourself online?
  8. How many friends do you have?
  9. What is your favorite animal?
  10. Okay, this is the final question. Do you like fish?

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Quiz topic: Which cat am I?