Which Cafe Brew are YOU?

If you're reading Everyday Cafe, you know we have an affinity for coffee. There are so many different creations to choose from, and each type has its own personality.

If you were a coffee, which one would you be? Are you spicy, yet serious? Cool and captivating? Are you made of sugar and spice? This quiz wants to know: WHICH BREW ARE YOU?

Created by: Melanie Leach
  1. You are late for work, and you get into an accident. You cannot tell if it was your fault, or the fault of the other person. You...
  2. You are cooking for a very important person. You...
  3. It's Friday night. You have a few options. you decide to...
  4. You are helping your sister pick colors for her wedding. You suggest...
  5. You have the opportunity to travel for two weeks anywhere in the world. You choose...
  6. You are watching a movie tonight. You choose:
  7. A hobby of yours is:
  8. You get to open your own restaurant. you serve...
  9. Your favorite holiday is...
  10. Your boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, or husband makes a lunch date with an ex who is visiting from out of town. you tell them...

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Quiz topic: Which Cafe Brew am I?